Brew News

Tom’s Newsletter – May 25, 2021

Flowers, Summer, & Beer

Hi There,

May is coming to an end.  I finally found out why this month is called May – because it May snow, it May rain, it May be sunny, it May sleet, and it May rain, sleet, snow and be sunny all in one day.  

We’re excited right now (actually I think we’re probably pretty excited all the time!).  Our flower garden should be going in this week – Wednesday, May 26th is the planned date for us to plant flowers.  Thanks to our good friend and patron, Ben Knott, the bed has been thoroughly rototilled and is ready for planting.  We could use a few volunteers this Wednesday, the 26th to help with planting flowers.  Please let me know if you are interested.  

We will be open on Memorial Day, with special hours from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm and will begin our summer hours on June 1st.   Summer hours for the downtown taproom will be announced very soon (the brewery taproom will remain closed).  Shopey’s will be closed on Memorial Day, but you’re invited to bring in food from other restaurants or your own picnic from home.   

Work continues on the beer garden.  We added some drainage to help with puddles – just one more job to finish on that. We’re also moving to add a seasonal bar in the back, which will allow us to give better service to the beer garden area.  If all works out, we will be putting the tent over the driveway area and adding some sail shades in the beer garden soon.  Our good friend, Bruce Kirschner donated some hop plants which are planted next to the garage at the east side of the beer garden.  They will add a nice touch as well.  

In a few weeks, we expect our new 60 bbl fermenter to arrive at the brewery.  It will increase our capacity by about 52%, allowing us to be able to keep up with demand for the near future.  

Thirsty Thursday beer this week is 99 Limes IPA.  This beer uses 7.5 pounds of limes per barrel (31 gallons) of beer.  When we did the test batch for 99 Limes, Kristy and I zested and juiced all the limes (whew) and I counted the limes.  There were 99 of them – hence the name 99 Limes.  In addition to the added limes this is a kettle sour IPA.  It’s one of Deidrick’s favorites.  

Just a reminder that we now have five special beers available in 500 ml bottles:  Black Saddle Russian Imperial Stout; Patty Kriek, Sour with added cherries; Marzen, brewed in the early Marzen style; Old Langzine Barleywine; and Cherry Quad, barrel aged quadrupel with added cherries.  All are available in the taproom and in select liquor stores. 

With summer, we will soon be re-releasing Summertime Ale in cans.  Look for it in your favorite store or our taproom.

Louisville has aligned their mask and spacing requirements with Boulder County.  Therefore, masks are no longer required for those who have been vaccinated and are two weeks past their final shot.  To that end we are no longer requiring those people who have been vaccinated to wear masks in the taproom.  Those who have not yet been vaccinated are encouraged wear masks.  
We are a mask friendly taproom.  Masks are not required for vaccinated quests, but patrons who choose to wear one are more than welcome to do so.  Enforcement is on the honor system.   All our taproom employees have been vaccinated and we are not requiring them to wear a mask unless they choose to do so.  We ask that you be kind and respectful to each other.  Thank you.

Spacing requirements have also been lifted.  You are now allowed to sit at our bar again (yay).  We have elected to keep most of our current spacing for the comfort and respect of our patrons’ space.  We would ask that you stay seated at your table and respect other’s space.  

The pandemic has strained us all in many ways and transitioning from the need to protect each other from covid is going to take some time.  We want all of you to feel safe, comfortable and cared for when you visit us and to enjoy our beers and each other’s company.  We will do all we can to offer you great beers, a wonderful environment in which to enjoy those beers and a space to enjoy a relaxing time while at Crystal Springs Brewing Company.  

I wish you all a great week and a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  I’ll be working in the taproom the rest of this week – stop by and say hi.  

Cheers, Tom