Brew News

Tom’s Newsletter – April 12th, 2023

Colorado Pint Day is Today!

The day has finally come.  Colorado Pint Glasses are in.  This year’s glass was designed by Anna Long, graphic designer and marketing manager from Copper Kettle Brewing Co. and CEO of Norlo Design! The 2023 Colorado Pint Day theme is celebrating the great Colorado road trip!

$1 per glass goes to support the @coloradobrewersguild mission to promote, protect, and propel independent craft breweries in the State of Craft Beer through advocacy, community, education, and public awareness.

Tomorrow is Thirsty Thursday and the first week of “The Road to Thirteen Years.”  Starting tomorrow, April 13, 2023, every week we’ll be re-releasing a “retro” beer from way back when this adventure began.  Tomorrow we’ll be re-releasing 13 IPA.

13 IPA was released in May of 2013 as our Third Anniversary Beer.  It was our first IPA and the first (and last) time we did a special anniversary beer. 

We’re also releasing a new beer.  Frankly, I’m not quite sure its style it might be, so we’re just calling it a hoppy lager.  I’m excited about it and so is Kyle.  Both beers will be on tap tomorrow, so come in for the old and the new.

Kristy and I will be at the taproom today for Colorado Pint Day.  We hope to see you there.

Cheers, Tom