Named in honor of my dad who passed when I was quite young. His name was Bob, but his nickname was Butch as he always sported a “butch” haircut. It uses all Simcoe hops and is bright and refreshing. Hope you enjoy it! Here’s to you Dad. -Tom
This German-style ale is balanced and well-attenuated. Malty, clean, and smooth drinking, Oktoberfest is the perfect beer for fall.
Neon IPA
This celebratory IPA is perfect for any occasion—holidays, anniversaries, or simply spending time with the ones you love. Cheers to Nate and Dion!
13 IPA
IPA brewed with New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops.
Blood Orange Kolsch
A crisp, hugely refreshing Kolsch-style ale with subtle orange aroma, citrus flavors, and just a hint of raspberries.
Tilted IPA
Clean and crisp body of a Pilsner, hopped like an IPA.